Thursday, February 20, 2014

It is the little things

Hey y'all,
          So often it can seem that being a Mom has very little reward. With the endless laundry, sleepless nights, piles of dirty diapers, that could be used as a new form of chemical warfare, and the masses of people telling you how to do it better it can feel like a very thankless job at times. I can't say I know a single mom who feels like she has it all together all the time. I realized that it is the little things that are our rewards. The giggle at the silly face I have a made a hundred times. When she lays her head on my shoulder when she is tired. When she pulls my face in closer to her. Or when she checks the room to see if she can see me. And, yes, even when she cries when I put her down because she just wants to be held for a little while longer. It makes it so worth it. It makes it all worth it. So I have decided to treasure all of these little things because I will not always be able to hold her in my arms or play a kissing game with her. One day she won't really need me like she does now. She may not even say I love you but I will have these moments to know that I kissed, hugged and held her enough so that she will always know how much I truly and deeply love her. For me that is enough to get me through a thousand rough and sick days.
        This all prompted wanting to be able to write this down so that I will remember it. So Evolet has been sick the past two days. Her little nose is running, her cough is bone rattling and she coughs so hard that she gags and spits up. Gross, I know but as her Mommy I am there to wipe that nose, clean up that spit up and give her as many hugs and kisses as I can so she feels better. Naps have been a struggle and sleep has been very little for both of us because of her cough which has caused her to be much less patient than my sweet smiling girl. I say all of this to come to this, today has been rough but there is always good even in the hardest moments.
      After her bath and nursing session we rocked for a little while as she looked at the nightlight behind the rocker. This is part of our nightly ritual. She just loves to stare at the Christmas tree night light as we go back and forth before we read a couple of books. It always brings a smile to her face as she climbs me like a mountain to get as close as she possibly is able. I usually give her kisses on her cheeks and neck to just fill up her love meter. Well, tonight after kissing her on the cheek she turned to me with a big open mouth and kissed me back. I told her "Thank you for my kisses." Like I always do but figured it was just a fluke so I kissed her again on the cheek and she turned and did it again! For a good ten minutes we sat there trading smiles and sweet baby kisses. I didn't care that I was covered in her saliva or that her bedtime was quickly approaching. All I cared about was my precious daughter was saying "I love you" and "I know all you do and I want to say thank you." Now I know that is a lot to take out of a couple kisses but for this Mommy it was all I needed. I made a difference in my daughters life and she let me know that today. All of a sudden my day wasn't that bad, in fact it was great! Now I am needed for some more nose sucking and cuddles. So thank you for bearing with me on this latest mushy, gushy post about my little blessing. I hope it made you smile.
"A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of." Luke 6:45

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