Tuesday, January 1, 2013

The Great White North and new adventures!

Hey y'all,
   So we have now been up here in the great white north since the end of October! Gosh time has flown by with all the holidays and wonderful activities. We have met so many great new friends, who have certainly kept us busy. Sam has been meeting lots of new friends as well. Of course we are learning to keep warm!
     Our trip was a long four day drive in our normally spacious truck. All of our animals did great on the trip up but boy were they so happy to finally stop in one place. We were very excited to finally get out of the truck for good!

     After the long trip we were so happy to get out and play in the snow for a little while even though we were a bit chilly...brrrr. Sam found a few frozen hash browns which made his day! We of course thought this was really gross but didn't mind it too much :P

   After spending the weekend in a hotel we moved into our house on base and began the wait for our things. Throughout those days several of our neighbors came to greet us to the cul de sac. It was a great welcome! That Friday the movers came with our things. In the snow and cold the movers carefully and efficiently moved everything into our new home. Boy were we happy to sleep in our bed instead of our deflating air mattress!

     The next weekend we experienced our first "blizzard" and received some very exciting news! I had been feeling dizzy off and on for the week and then started to wake up starving in the middle of the night, which was strange because I hardly ever even want breakfast until two or three hours after waking up. We had been trying to get pregnant for almost a year but didn't really think it was going to happen during our move. Ricky suggested we go get a test from the store in the blizzard so I reluctantly agreed thinking it was going to be one more disappointing result. I could not be happier to be wrong! We got our big fat positive which brought lots of shouting, jumping and tears of joy.

      We were so close to Christmas that we decided to keep it a secret from our families until Christmas morning :P So we began the get ready for Thanksgiving and all of our new neighbors to come over for dinner. It was the only thing we could do is to stay busy so we couldn't spill the beans! Thanksgiving was wonderful and we had way more food than anyone could eat. I also started having symptoms of being pregnant like fatigue and morning sickness but I still couldn't help but smile knowing our little one was healthy and growing. Even though I was tired we continued to enjoy our lives here in Minot. Getting involved in Bible studies, finding a church and attending as many social functions as we could still waiting to tell our families. One of the funnest events we went to was the squadron Christmas party which was full of laughter and dancing.

    So Christmas finally came! We were like two little kids as we watched our families open their gifts on Skype. It was so exciting! The reactions were priceless with lots of screaming, and tears of joy. They had been waiting a long time as well!
    Our new year celebration brought a trip to Minneapolis to see Trans Siberian Orchestra which was absolutely wonderful and super fun! We also hit the twelve week mark on new years eve which we brought in with sparkling cider and a Big Bang Theory marathon. We are looking forward to a wonderful new year and a healthy little one in July! God bless you all in this new year!
    Happy New Year!
 Ricky and Lauren

Cast your burden on the Lord [releasing the weight of it] and He will sustain you; He will never allow the [consistently] righteous to be moved (made to slip, fall, or fail). Psalm 55:22 (AMP)

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