Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Just keep waiting

Hey Everyone,
     Since we are just a few weeks away from holding Evolet, we figured that we would go ahead and update all of you on the past few amazing, crazy months because we both know that all we will be able to talk about is our little one once she is here.
     To start our adventure off I got celebrated on Mother's day! It was amazing to finally be able to participate in this awesome day. Ricky did a great job grilling all my favorite veggies and meats and making me feel super pampered. I also received a hand carved cross for my collection from my super sweet mother-in-law, as well as, lots of cards from my family and friends. Boy did I feel loved!No more celebrating female teacher appreciation day for me! As apart of Ricky's mothers day plans, he also planned a getaway weekend. So we went on our babymoon the next weekend. For  all of you who are not familiar with this term, a babymoon is a getaway that an expecting couple make usually a few months before the baby is born. It is a time to just be a couple before baby gets here. It was wonderful! We went down to Bismarck where we had a spa day including a massage, facial (a steam bath for Ricky), a delicious lunch, a pedicure and manicure. It was so relaxing just to spend time with each other getting pampered. The next day we spent doing some shopping, seeing Iron Man 3 and Star Trek 2. It was awesome! We also went out for a fancy dinner where I enjoyed a delicious asparagus soup and baked ravioli. The weekend was a four day weekend so coming home on Sunday was like having our getaway extended home. We both loved getting to just be us without a schedule or demands. It was great to spend so much time together before the next week.
    So the next week was TGE, aka The Great Escape! This is a week that my mother in law, Nana, and sisters all get together for a little mini vacation from kids and husbands. I had longed to get invited to this awesome event and this year I got the invite! So I got on a plane and flew out to California for a wonderful week of visiting family including a very special high school graduation of Rick's cousins Weslie and Chelsea. Then it was off to a beautiful cabin near Nevada City. We laughed, cried (sometimes at the same time) and just a a wonderful time just being women together. I was the only one who could not leave my child at home but I don't think anyone minded that at all lol. The belly got lots of love from all the aunts, Abi and great grandma. It was a great time but just like Vegas, what happens at TGE stays at TGE ;P. The trip home was long but uneventful and I was very happy to see my boys again!
     The Thursday after I got home from TGE, Ryan (Ricky's big little brother) came to stay with us for a week. It was busy and fun getting to see him! Then the boys went camping at Mt. Rushmore. What a great adventure they had on their own little mini TGE! They went hiking, fishing and lots of s'more eating! Next year hopefully I'll get to go to Rushmore as well :D
      After sending Ryan off on his way home and hitting some garage sales, we documented our amazing journey through this pregnancy with a wonderful woman and photographer, Amy Smith (Allender). It was such a fun experience! Sam even got in on the fun! We captured some precious and hilarious moments which made out photo shoot perfect.
      So now it was Ricky's turn to be celebrated as a father! After having a wonderful lunch with our friends we spent the afternoon piddling around the house. Then for dinner we had Ricky's favorite tritip, parsley potatoes and salad. Pretty sure though his favorite part of the evening was receiving his gift. I had worked for many days to make coordinating superhero capes for my superman and his supergirl. It was great to see his eyes light up as he opened them up. I can hardly wait for them to play dress up together!
     Now we are at 36 weeks with only four weeks left! We are just waiting now with a few things to get done, like our birthing class :P. Our excitement is hard to stifle at this point but we will just have to be patient while we make last minute preparations to welcome our daughter home! The next post probably won't be until after Evolet makes her debut. Keep us in your prayers!
    Patiently waiting,
  Ricky and Lauren

Ephesians 4:1-2
I, therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, entreat you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling with which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, showing forbearance to one another in love,

Monday, March 25, 2013

Girls, Girls and more Girls!!!!!

Hey Y'all,
    So we are still here in the Great White North known as Minot! Boy does it get cold up here! We are not too frost bitten just a bit chilled at times since we mainly stay inside. These past several months have seemed to disappear but the snow has remained. That is right, it is almost April and we have yet to see the grass! We are staying warm and busy though getting ready for our little girl to arrive in July! That is right, I said GIRL!!!! The Pope family curse has finally been broken and our precious Evolet will be here in no time!
 I have to say we were both surprised when the ultrasound technician told us it was a girl  but we were just as excited! It was truly amazing to see her moving around on the screen but it is still surreal. Now we are just getting used to saying "daughter," "girl," and "she" as well as stocking up the nursery with diapers, wipes and all the other things we can fit in there. We also enjoy feeling and watching her move around. 24 weeks and counting! July cannot seem to get here soon enough!
    Needless to say our family is so super excited to welcome her into the world. Ricky's mom came up for a week to visit us for Ricky's ha-birt and our baby shower. It was a very welcome visit! We had so much fun sewing and chatting about everything we could think of! I am certainly a blessed woman to have such an amazing mother-in-law, who loves me like her own. Anyway, so Robin and I had been sneakily planning her visit, but Ricky found out! So we greeted her at the airport with lots of hugs and a nice warm truck to get away in. Unfortunately she did not bring any warm weather with her from Texas. Instead it decided to snow, and snow, and snow some more. We didn't let that get us down though. We just opened the blinds, turned on some music and sewed away! Sam loves his Abi, especially after she shoveled the back porch! Did I mention how blessed we are to have her in our lives? So Friday we went to Sakura, which is a fun fry-in-your-face place here in town, for Ricky's ha-birt. For everyone who doesn't know, we celebrate half birthdays and call them ha-birts. The special person gets half a cake, half a present, and the supposedly half of a celebration but usually its just half a cake and card with a fully celebration. Anyway, we certainly did not do anything half for this ha-birt! We went home stuffed to the brim and with tons of leftovers! Saturday we went to our favorite little bakery, Sweet and Flour then showed Mom around town. We finished Ricky's ha-birt celebration by going to see the new Oz movie. We all enjoyed it, especially the popcorn! Then we went to Joanns for fabric and crafting supplies and patterns. Sunday was my baby shower so we went to church on base so we could be close by and yes, it was still snowing! That afternoon Mom and I got ready to go celebrate our Evolet with some of my wonderful friends up here. My girls Katie, Erin, and Melissa pulled out all the stops to give me a beautiful shower! All my girls absolutely showered me with love and gifts. I certainly oohhed and ahed over all the adorable little things we received. It truly was memorable! So Monday, I knit while Mom worked a bit then we showed her where we go swimming! Don't worry, we are in an indoor swimming pool that is nice and warm year round. Tuesday we hit the ground running on our sewing again. Mom taught me how to read a pattern and sparked my craftiness up again hehe. She also made an adorable dress for Evolet which I know will just be too cute on her. Wednesday came way to soon and we had to say farewell for now. We will definitely be seeing her again very soon! So after all of fun from that weekend we both crashed! Having fun is exhausting haha.
     We are now getting ready to celebrate Easter with our friends! This is such a blessed time for us knowing that our Lord and Savior Jesus died for us. What a reason to celebrate! Ever lasting life just with one choice! Jesus is good! We hope you have someone to celebrate this wonderful time with as well.
      It has certainly been an eventful few months and the next few are not getting any less eventful. We look forward to continuing to settle in here and to seeing the beautiful summers that we have heard so much about! So for now stay warm and God bless!
Ricky and Lauren

"He is not here; He has risen, just as He said. Come and see the place where He lay." Matthew 28:6

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

The Great White North and new adventures!

Hey y'all,
   So we have now been up here in the great white north since the end of October! Gosh time has flown by with all the holidays and wonderful activities. We have met so many great new friends, who have certainly kept us busy. Sam has been meeting lots of new friends as well. Of course we are learning to keep warm!
     Our trip was a long four day drive in our normally spacious truck. All of our animals did great on the trip up but boy were they so happy to finally stop in one place. We were very excited to finally get out of the truck for good!

     After the long trip we were so happy to get out and play in the snow for a little while even though we were a bit chilly...brrrr. Sam found a few frozen hash browns which made his day! We of course thought this was really gross but didn't mind it too much :P

   After spending the weekend in a hotel we moved into our house on base and began the wait for our things. Throughout those days several of our neighbors came to greet us to the cul de sac. It was a great welcome! That Friday the movers came with our things. In the snow and cold the movers carefully and efficiently moved everything into our new home. Boy were we happy to sleep in our bed instead of our deflating air mattress!

     The next weekend we experienced our first "blizzard" and received some very exciting news! I had been feeling dizzy off and on for the week and then started to wake up starving in the middle of the night, which was strange because I hardly ever even want breakfast until two or three hours after waking up. We had been trying to get pregnant for almost a year but didn't really think it was going to happen during our move. Ricky suggested we go get a test from the store in the blizzard so I reluctantly agreed thinking it was going to be one more disappointing result. I could not be happier to be wrong! We got our big fat positive which brought lots of shouting, jumping and tears of joy.

      We were so close to Christmas that we decided to keep it a secret from our families until Christmas morning :P So we began the get ready for Thanksgiving and all of our new neighbors to come over for dinner. It was the only thing we could do is to stay busy so we couldn't spill the beans! Thanksgiving was wonderful and we had way more food than anyone could eat. I also started having symptoms of being pregnant like fatigue and morning sickness but I still couldn't help but smile knowing our little one was healthy and growing. Even though I was tired we continued to enjoy our lives here in Minot. Getting involved in Bible studies, finding a church and attending as many social functions as we could still waiting to tell our families. One of the funnest events we went to was the squadron Christmas party which was full of laughter and dancing.

    So Christmas finally came! We were like two little kids as we watched our families open their gifts on Skype. It was so exciting! The reactions were priceless with lots of screaming, and tears of joy. They had been waiting a long time as well!
    Our new year celebration brought a trip to Minneapolis to see Trans Siberian Orchestra which was absolutely wonderful and super fun! We also hit the twelve week mark on new years eve which we brought in with sparkling cider and a Big Bang Theory marathon. We are looking forward to a wonderful new year and a healthy little one in July! God bless you all in this new year!
    Happy New Year!
 Ricky and Lauren

Cast your burden on the Lord [releasing the weight of it] and He will sustain you; He will never allow the [consistently] righteous to be moved (made to slip, fall, or fail). Psalm 55:22 (AMP)